We asked current and past MCR members about their student government experience and what they love most about MCR. Here's what they had to say!
Sophie Nguyen, President
MCR is a great place to meet new students from different schools and backgrounds, having those two-minute, or even two-hours, conversations about what they want to see changed within the school system. I have loved gaining new perspectives for the past four years and advocating for change in front of legislators.
Krish Putha, Chief of Staff
MCR is an amazing opportunity for students to use their voices and express their concerns. Through articles, school visits, lobbying, and general assemblies, students from different backgrounds can provide insight on so many different issues moving MCPS to a greater future.
Lumina Zhang, Environmental Affairs Coordinator
"I love how everyone at MCR is so welcoming and fun! I have gained so many valuable leadership skills from being a part of this amazing organization. It feels so rewarding to work on an advocacy project and see it create change in our county!"
Meley Ghermay, South Regional Liason
"I love the warm, kind, and fun environment that MCR creates and the friendships we get to form with other students who share similar interests in student advocacy and government. It’s been an awesome experience to be exposed to so many opportunities and help spread information about them with other students across the county through my position. I love MCR :)"
Arvin Kim, Chief of Staff & Former Treasurer
"My favorite experiences from my work in MCR have been working with students from across the county. Being a part of the planning process for Advocacy Day in my Freshman year and organizing students from a number of different schools across MCPS is an opportunity I am grateful for. Experiences like working with student leaders and lobbying at the Maryland General Assembly have shaped and inspired my continued work within MCR, to this day."
Kevin Nguyen, Webmaster
"MCR for me has been one of the best experiences I've ever had! I've not only learned how to advocate for my peers, but I've also been able to expand my own passion for web design."
Pelin Altintas, Public Relations Director
"These past few years have been an incredible opportunity for me to be a part of a family I will forever cherish and challenge each other through our work within MCR. It has truly made me aware of issues beyond my own school and allowed me to work towards making a change in our county all while having fun!"
Aneri Sanghani, AAPSU Liaison
"I think my favorite part of MCR is being able to connect with so many people across the county and see my opinions and perspectives reflected in them, as well as being introduced to different outlooks."
Pranavi Kamana, Outreach Coordinator
"I love how supportive everyone is and I truly enjoy getting to meet student leaders from across the county. I also appreciate everyone's passion for advocacy and ensuring that our county is as equitable as possible. Other than that, I love how our meetings have a theme and I love seeing how everyone dresses up and shows spirit."
Sarah Cho, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Liaison
"MCR had allowed me to meet other student advocates within Montgomery County and interact with environmental educators and conservationists in various departments of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. I’ve enjoyed sharing my input on student leadership and community service within the CBF organization to foster a greater need and importance for student voice in environmental advocacy."
Gretchen Gilmore, Social Media Manager
"I love spending time with other members, especially when we’re just having fun and enjoying each other’s company! I adore the PR department. It’s become a big part of my high school experience!"
Valerie Hoang,
MASC Liaison
"I love the MCR community! One of my favorite MCR activities is to attend MASC conferences like the Legislative Session with other MCR members. It's always tons of fun on the bus and at the conference, and there's just this sense of unity that's difficult to replicate."