Introduction to Student Advocacy in Montgomery County
Calling all passionate student advocates who want to learn more about the student advocacy space and opportunities available in...

Meet the 2024-2025 MCR Officers
Top left: Sophie Nguyen, Top right: Cidera Dukuray, Bottom left: Anna Jhon, Bottom right, Nareen Othman On April 24th, the Montgomery...

The Upcoming SMOB Election: Understanding the Role of SMOB
In Montgomery County, students hold a unique opportunity to impact decisions affecting their education through the Student Member of the...

The History of Student Advocacy in Montgomery County
Image credits: University of Maryland Library Guides and MCRSGA If you are a student in Montgomery County, you have likely noticed that...

MCR Advocacy Day: How MCR Lobbied for Maryland State Bills and How You Can Lobby Too!
On February 22nd, 2024, over 40 student leaders from across Montgomery County embarked on a journey to Annapolis to participate in the...

March Workshop Series: MCR Leadership Academy
On March 11, 2024, MCR hosted the first session of its Leadership Academy workshop this year. Spanning four sessions over one month, this...

MCR March General Assembly Recap
Women's History Month Guest Speaker Panel (MCR Videographer: Varun Srinivasan) On March 6, the Montgomery County Regional SGA (MCR-SGA)...

Learn About the SMOB Election Process
Every year, at the start of the second semester, MCPS high school and middle school students eagerly anticipate a particular occurrence:...

MCR December Exec Board Recap
Following MCR’s zoom November executive board meeting, there was a lot to look forward to during the December meeting as there were...

MCR October General Assembly Recap
On October 18th, 2023, the Montgomery County Regional SGA (MCR-SGA) General Assembly gathered at Rockville High School. Under the...