Standardized Tests & Grading Policies
Support the implementation of RQAs
Reduce unnecessary standardized testing
Create options for students to use scores from national standardized tests to place out of local tests
Advocate for fair grading policies that enable all students to succeed without grade inflation
Encourage and incentivize homework-free weekends
Revise the curriculum to reflect multiple historical perspectives
Add LGBT studies to Social Studies and Health curriculum
Include women and POC authors in English curriculum
Expand graduation credit opportunities (ex: athletics as a PE credit, AP Java as a tech credit)
Health curriculum
Allocate more time on mental health, depression, and vaping.
Emphasize available student resources
Cut out impractical information and replace it with real-life knowledge
Teach affirmative consent
Expand college prep, test prep, and quantitative literacy courses
Make Drivers Education a course

Career & College Readiness
Begin county-based, free workshops that help students along the college admissions journey
Publicize and encourage students to participate in CTE programs
Incorporate life skills into curriculum
Connect students to internships and job opportunities
Publicize scholarship opportunities