Learn About the SMOB Election Process

Every year, at the start of the second semester, MCPS high school and middle school students eagerly anticipate a particular occurrence: the election of the Student Member of the Board (SMOB).
The process to select the SMOB kicked off from January 3 to 25, during which various candidates entered the race and completed forms provided by Shella Cherry, the Director of Student Leadership and Extracurricular Activities at MCPS. Following this, candidates were required to attend a virtual SMOB Candidate Meeting on January 25 from 6 to 7:30 pm.
After the meeting, candidates were instructed to submit a profile by February 2, including their name, grade, school, picture, and responses to three questions shared during the mandatory meeting. Approximately a week and a half later, once candidates had begun campaigning on social media, the SMOB Nominating Convention is set to take place.
Nicknamed Nom Con, this convention occurred on February 14 at Watkins Mill High School. A few delegates from each MCPS middle and high school are selected to attend Nom Con based on interest and through a lottery selection process.
The convention begins with all candidates delivering opening speeches to introduce their platforms. Attendees will then participate in rank choice voting to narrow down the pool of candidates by half. The remaining candidates will engage in a question and answer round. Nom Con then concludes with students casting preferential ballots to select their top two choices.
The two finalists will continue campaigning until every middle and high school student in MCPS voted on April 17.
It is crucial for students to be able to elect a board member to ensure their voices are heard. The SMOB plays a vital role in representing the student voice as a voting member on the board, so it is very important for students to understand the SMOB election process and how to participate in it.
Written by Mooti Chimdi
Published by the MCR Communications Department