MCR December Exec Board Recap

Following MCR’s zoom November executive board meeting, there was a lot to look forward to during the December meeting as there were numerous workshops promoted there.
The meeting began at 6:05 with the standard call to order and approvals of the agenda and minutes. Then there were intra-organizational reports from MCPS Student Member of the Board (SMOB) Sami Saeed where he talked about his plans with the board to provide more food options in schools. MCR’s report also made an appearance, with the officers talking about recent news in MCR and their own life.
After the reports came a unique part of the meeting, which was the joint plank discussion that lasted 10 minutes. The plank discussion consisted of MCR and MCJC members being assigned the policy planks (a list of MCPS issues where ideas of support were expressed) to talk about what they agreed with, and what ideas could have been improved.
On a more engaging note, members of MCR were tasked with making holiday cards for the service project of the meeting for about 12 minutes. Some went all out with Christmas trees and designs on the back of the paper-folded card while others simply wrote encouraging messages.
To cap off the final MCR meeting of 2023, members went into department breakouts at 7:15 for 30, members of the month were announced, and opportunities for mid-term position applications were announced.
Catch up with MCR on Instagram @mcrsga.
Written by Mooti Chimdi
Published by Allison Khani and the MCR Communications Department