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MCR Officer Elections 2019-2020

The last MCR General Assembly of the school year frequently brings excitement to the Montgomery County students who attend. Student delegates from every MoCo high school vote on who they would like to see leading the Executive Board for the following school year. This time, the GA was held at Sherwood High School. Much like regular school SGAs, positions available to MCR students that have fulfilled the correct requirements (i.e. attending two General Assemblies) include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Running for the position of President this year was Pranav Tadikonda and Isabelle Scholes-Young. The two candidates previously held the Vice President (Tadikonda) and Secretary (Scholes-Young) positions. They reached out to many students prior to the GA in an attempt to gain supporters. Running for Vice President was Nick Asante and Emnet Kahsay, and candidates for treasurer were Robert Wachen, Nick Fellner, Jaiden Vikram, and Angela Xiong.

Students who were a part of a campaign made their way over to Sherwood at 9 a.m in order to gain the best spot to display their posters, and effectively endorse their chosen candidates. The campaigners furiously battled the wind while attempting to secure their posters. The students were kind to each other, and displayed no malintent toward the opposing campaigns.

As the Montgomery County students arrived from their respective schools, they were directed towards a welcoming tunnel of campaigners. The incoming MoCo students graciously accepted the slips of papers and posters being handed to them, and made their way into the school.

When the Assembly began, quick introductions were made by MCR President Nate Tinbite, and Sherwood staff members. The remaining time was left to introducing the candidates for each position, and their speeches. Questions were read out to the candidates asked by their fellow students. Candidates for Secretary (Simon Debesai and Hannah O’Looney) were called to the stage. Both candidates spoke with eloquence, and the crowd chanted their names. The other positions followed in the same manner: Treasurer, Vice President, and last but not least; President. The excitement from the auditorium was felt not only throughout the room, but Sherwood student Ashley Landreth said, “I could hear the cheering from a couple hallways away.”

When it came time for voting, all MCR executive board members were directed to chromebooks to vote first. Next, the voting stations were left open for the delegates. The results were processed quickly, and were read out before closing remarks were made. The positions were awarded to Pranav Tadikonda, Emnet Kahsay, Robert Wachen, and Simon Debesai. The crowd cheered especially loud for the Robert Wachen, seeing as he was not able to attend the GA. MCR advisor Shella Cherry read out closing remarks, and reminded every MCR member and school delegate to apply for Executive Board member positions if they wanted an opportunity to get involved.

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